About the HOF

Our Mission Statement

Stivers High School honors the most deserving of its past athletes with induction into the school’s Athletic Hall of Fame. Eligibility is considered based on athletic accomplishments at Stivers and beyond, but specifically how such participation has brought credit to the school and served as a model for its community.

Nominees may include alumni, former coaches, or others who have played a central roll in Stivers athletics.

For an alumnus, performance both at Stivers and in the years since are essential. The selection process will pay close attention to a nominee’s performance while an athlete at the school, keeping in mind that sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork are essential elements of athletic success at Stivers. But also of importance is performance or participation in athletics post-Stivers that has brought credit to the school and has served as a model for the Stivers community.

For a coach, attention will be paid to a nominee’s extraordinary performance, keeping in mind that teaching and sportsmanship are essential values of good coaching. Other nominees those not in the coach or athlete categories – need to have made contributions that have profoundly impacted the Stivers athletic program.

To suggest a nominee, simply complete the nomination form. Nominees may be either living or deceased.

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