Kenneth Thompson 1953

Ken earned 7 letters during his high school years. He earned 4 letters in football and made All-City Halfback in 1951, 1952 and 1953. Ken was All-State in 1953. His team was Public School Champs in 1953 and Ken was 2nd in the State in scoring in 1953.

In Track he won 3 letters and was City Champion in the 220 yard dash in 1952.

After graduation, Ken went on to Ohio State University where he earned 2 letters as a part of the OSU varsity  team. He played on Rose Bowl and National Championship teams.

After college, he began his career as a Parks & Recreation Director. He retired after 38 yrs. A park was dedicated in his name in 2004.

Ken lives in Columbus OH with his wife Bobbie Jeanne Saylor, Stivers Class of ’53. They have 1 son, Scott and 2 daughters, Laura and Lisa, and 11 grandchildren.

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