Martha K. Schauer – (Special Recognition)

2014HOFSchaurerHonored Teacher, artist, friend — Martha was born in Troy, Ohio in 1889. She attended and graduated from Steele High School in Dayton, Ohio, Pratt Institute, Wittenburg University and completed her M.A. at the University of Dayton. After two years as an art teacher in Springfield, Illinois, Martha began her long successful tenure of teaching art at Stivers from 1912-1957, and served as an assistant principal from 1935-1957. During those years, Martha founded and directed the Saturday school at the Dayton Art Institute, teaching art classes. Martha was a renowned water colorist in her own right, emphasizing good design, drawing skills, and good color. She even had a patent on her original design drawing board.

Two of Martha’s art students became famous and successful artists: Milton Caniff- ‘25, cartoonist of the nationally syndicated “Terry and the Pirates” and “Steve Canyon” comic strips and already a Hall of Famer; and Lloyd Ostendorf ’39, an Abraham Lincoln scholar and artist.

When Martha died, Milton Caniff eulogized her thusly:

“Most of us have a person outside our families who have a profound influence on our lives … mine was MARTHA K. SCHAUER This stately lady taught high school art to the usual knucklehead crowd! She graded each student against himself (not the class average). If she thought I was goofing off, she cut my usual A down to a B- and I got the message! M.K.S. declared that everything we could see, except the natural elements, was designed by someone! She defined art as something which would inspire people to pay a lot of money to own. Just before graduation, she called me into her office and said I had failed in my potential – and that any person with talent who did not develop it to the fullest deserved to be punished.  ‘I would lick you if I could!’ Martha Schauer died at age 96. Now I am on my own. ” Milton Caniiff

Martha is survived by several grand nieces and nephews.2014HOFschauer2014HOFschauer22014HOFschauer4

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